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【News Release】Toei Shinyaku Files Patent for Ovarian Function Improvement Effect Through King Agaricus KA21 Intake

【News Release】Toei Shinyaku Files Patent for Ovarian Function Improvement Effect Through King Agaricus KA21 Intake

Posted on September 09 2024, By: MotoiAkitomo

【News Release】Toei Shinyaku Files Patent for Ovarian Function Improvement Effect Through King Agaricus KA21 Intake

Potential Application in Infertility Treatments and Supplements for Supporting Pregnancy Expectations for Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms

【News Release】





Toei Shinyaku Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Mitaka, Tokyo; CEO: Akitomo Motoi), in collaboration with the Institute of Natural Medicine at Toyama University and the Department of Health Science at Shigakkan University, has confirmed the ovarian function improvement effect of the King Agaricus KA21 strain (hereafter referred to as Agaricus KA21), which is a medical mushroom "Agaricus blazei, brasilensis, subrufescens" cultivated outdoor in Brazil. Following the results of this study, we are pleased to announce that we have filed a patent application for an "Ovarian Function Improvement Composition and Pharmaceuticals, Foods, and Feeds Containing It."



Patent Application Number: 2024-147585

Date of Submission: August 29, 2024 (Reiwa 6)

Inventors: Kazunori Akagi, Hirobumi Tada, Akitomo Motoi

Applicants: Toei Shinyaku Co., Ltd., Shigakkan University, National University Corporation Toyama University


Title of the Invention

"Ovarian Function Improvement Composition and Pharmaceuticals, Foods, and Feeds Containing It"


Technical Field

This invention relates to a composition for improving ovarian function, and pharmaceuticals, foods, and feeds containing it.



Background of the Study

With the declining birthrate and aging population, particularly in developed countries, there is a growing demand for the development of medicines and foods that exhibit anti-aging and anti-reproductive aging effects. Previous joint research with the Institute of Natural Medicine at Toyama University and the Department of Health Science at Shigakkan University revealed that the intake of our outdoor cultivated King Agaricus KA21 by female Drosophila flies extended their lifespan. During the process of clarifying the mechanism of this effect, it was suggested that King Agaricus KA21 might act on the ovaries.


Test Data

Female Drosophila flies were fed food containing 5% dried fruiting bodies of the outdoor cultivated King Agaricus KA21 strain for 35 days, during which changes in ovarian size were observed through microscope imaging. Additionally, the number of eggs laid by each individual within 24 hours was measured. The results confirmed that 1) ovarian size tended to increase (the decline in ovarian size due to aging was suppressed), and 2) the number of eggs laid tended to increase significantly (the decline in egg-laying due to aging was suppressed). These findings confirmed that administering the processed fruiting bodies of King Agaricus KA21 improves ovarian function.


Applications in Supplements

Given the suppression of ovarian function decline due to aging, the following applications are expected:

1. Application as a supplement in the field of human infertility treatment*

*Due to a recent patent application aimed at improving conditions such as ED and reduced libido, this product can be used by both men and women. (July 9, 2024)

2. As it slows the decline in ovarian function, it is expected to have a symptom-relieving effect for menopause when used as a supplement.

3. It is also expected to be utilized as a supplement or feed to increase the number of births in pets and livestock.