Agaricus is a mushroom native to Brazil, said to have been initially found in the Piedarte region—in the suburbs of Sao Paulo*. It was called "sun mushroom" because of its strong life force, which allows it to grow even in the sun. They were also called "God's mushrooms" because they soaked up so many nutrients from the ground that they seldom grew again in the same area once they were harvested. It was initially consumed in tea form.
These are the names by which Agaricus is known:
-Agaricus blazei
-Agaricus blazei Murill
-Agaricus brasiliensis
-Agaricus subrufescens
In Japan, Agaricus is especially popular among cancer patients. A nationwide survey conducted using a Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare cancer research grant reported that over 60% of cancer patients taking supplements chose Agaricus. Agaricus is widely used in Japan, Europe, and the United States for its ease of use.
Agaricus is an excellent source of nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, and minerals such as iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and copper. Most of all, Agaricus is a superb source of beta-glucans.
Agaricus is popular worldwide for its high nutritional value. Still, the nutritional content and safety of Agaricus differ greatly depending on the cultivation method, growing region, and strain, meaning it's essential to know where your Agaricus comes from and that it's from a trusted distributor.
The Japanese National Institute of Health and Nutrition database of ingredients for "health foods" states that Agaricus "varies in characteristics and ingredients depending on the strain, cultivation conditions and production area," and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan warns that "quality varies considerably among raw materials and products."
At Toei Shinyaku, we pride ourselves in providing the highest, Made in Japan-quality products, safety, and satisfaction guaranteed.
The Magic of Agaricus Mushroom Cultivation
Agaricus thrives under natural sunlight, but finding naturally-grown Agaricus has become rare these days. They are now three popular methods of cultivation: open field cultivation, greenhouse cultivation, and mycelial tank cultivation.
Open field cultivation is considered the closest to natural cultivation—it's rich in nutrients and highly useful. Toei Shinyaku exclusively cultivates its Agaricus in open fields to preserve the mushroom's natural nutrient-rich content and originally larger size. However, because outdoor elements are challenging to control and cost 10 times higher than general greenhouse cultivation, most other manufacturers have given up on it.
The Greenhouse cultivation method is performed in an artificially dark place with the sunlight blocked. The growing environment is very different from that of the original sun mushrooms, so the size of Agaricus does not grow to its full potential and has comparatively low nutritional value.
Last but not least is the tank method. Mushrooms are usually divided into two parts: the fruiting body, which is eaten, and the mycelium, which is often used in supplements. Tank culture artificially cultures the mycelia in—you guessed it—tanks. This method became popular in Japan around the year 2000. It does not require much space, can be cultured in a short period, and is inexpensive.
One trend that many manufacturers have in common these days, including Toei Shinyaku, is to use the fruit body of the mushroom. This contains a large amount of beta-glucans which are vital for immune health. Read more about benefits like these from open-grown Agaricus below.
The Benefits of Agaricus KA21 Cultivated in Open Fields
In 2020, King Agaricus 100 won the Natural Ingredients-Asia Award, recognizing the best supplements in the Asia-Pacific region. We continue to research and develop a wide variety of products to contribute to the health and happiness of society.
King Agaricus, KA21, is the name of an open field cultivated Agaricus mushroom with a strong vitality, a strain found exclusively at Toei Shinyaku. Not only does the KA21 strain grow to its original giant size, but there is a vast difference in the nutrient contents as well. When the mushroom survives the harsh natural environment, it develops a strong vitality. It is rich in nutrients such as β-glucan, its main component. It has more than five times the antioxidant activity, 34 times the vitamin D content, 26 times the calcium content, 10 times the copper content, and is rich in iron and selenium.
Agaricus KA21 cultivated in open fields in Brazil has been studied for more than 25 years at the Department of Immunology, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, an international authority in mushroom research, as well as at state-of-the-art facilities in Japan such as the Food Safety Research Center, University of Tokyo and the SFC Research Institute, Keio University. We have published 32 international papers—the most research done out of any company worldwide.
King Agaricus is Effective for the Improvement of

King Agaricus is used to force the proliferation of NK cells and the immune system. This includes activating natural killer cells related to infection defense and an increase in antibody titer against Candida and Malassezia.

Hair Growth
King Agaricus is a mushroom-type supplement that has hair regrowth properties. A clinical study on mice showed improvement of hair loss, graying, and confirmed this also had hair growth and regrowth effects.

Lifestyle-Related & Metabolic Diseases
King Agaricus has various functions and benefits, such as improving blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, improving liver function, supporting immunity, a healthy heart, and maintaining healthy gut flora. Use in conjunction with exercise and a balanced diet for weight loss!

Other Health Benefits
In human clinical studies, it has been confirmed to reduce fatigue, improve sensitivity to cold, improve sleep quality, reduce stiff shoulders, and improve performance in athletes.