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Agaricus KA21 Supplements for Cancer Treatment

Learn how Agaricus KA21 can alleviate the side effects of anti-cancer drugs in an interview with Dr. Osamu Mizukami of the Health Promotion Clinic.

We interviewed Dr. Osamu Mizukami of the Health Promotion Clinic in Japan, who has been using supplements of open-pollinated Agaricus KA21 for cancer patients for over 25 years, regarding the safety and efficacy of Agaricus KA21.

Q1. How did you become interested in Agaricus as a medicinal mushroom?

In Japan, it has long been perceived that mushrooms are good for your health. The immune-enhancing effects of medicinal mushrooms attracted attention, and various studies were conducted to see if they could be used as natural anti-cancer and anti-cancer agents. 

The world's first anti-cancer agent derived from mushrooms was Lentinan, made from a shiitake mushroom-derived β-glucan. I am highly familiar with medicinal mushroom research and have tried various other mushroom supplements, focusing on their immunostimulating effects, but none of them were effective in my experience.

Due to the needs of my clinic, which has a large number of patients with advanced cancer, I was looking for a high-quality supplement. That is how I found Agaricus KA21.

Q2. What do you like about Agaricus KA21?

The powerful appearance of the mushrooms is the first thing that caught my attention, and I intuitively thought, "This looks like the real thing.” The characteristics of mushrooms vary greatly depending on the type and cultivation method. 

Agaricus KA21 is exceptional for the following reasons:

1. It is cultivated out open fields in the harsh natural environment under full sunlight, making it rich in β-glucan (the main component of Agaricus), and Vitamin D.

2. It is highly nutritious as it absorbs the natural energy of the fertile Brazilian Amazon environment.

    In addition to these two features, I value the human nature of a company when choosing a supplement, and I felt a sense of trust in the serious stance of the manufacturer (Toei Shinyaku) in their desire to scientifically substantiate its evidence. I also visited an open-air farm in Brazil and was able to confirm the sincerity and care with which the Brazilian people grow mushrooms. After that, when I actually used the product, I could confirm what I already knew. Agaricus KA21 is definitely the best among mushroom supplements.

    I also highly appreciate toei shinyaku earnest ongoing research and the fact that they have published foreign peer-reviewed papers as evidence.

    Q3. How is Agaricus KA21 used to support cancer patients?

    Immune support

    Agaricus KA21 supplements are an option for those who wish to incorporate Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) into their cancer treatment at home. With data on NK cell activation from human clinical studies, it is taken to support cancer treatments and prevent recurrence.

    Reduce the side effects of anti-cancer drugs

    The effectiveness of Agaricus KA21 is easily confirmed in cases where it is used together with anti-cancer drugs. It has been shown to reduce side effects such as bone marrow suppression, gastrointestinal injury, and hair loss in mouse studies. Human patients have also experienced reduced side effects of their anti-cancer drugs. 

    In my experience treating thousands of cancer patients, I have found that supplements containing Agaricus can actually enhance the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs. By reducing side effects, cancer patients are able to maintain good physical condition, which in turn helps the anti-cancer drugs work. I have not found Agaricus to reduce the efficacy of the drugs at all.

    At my facility, there are many cancer patients who take Agaricus KA21 along with their insurance treatment. Many of them have told me that despite warnings from their doctors about the harsh side effects of their anti-cancer drugs, their actual experience has been better than expected.

    Cases where the patient is elderly and chooses to live with cancer

    In the case of elderly people who choose to forego treatment and live with cancer, long-term intake is a necessary, so safety is the first and foremost priority. Agaricus KA21 can be used safely over extended periods of time and its safety has been confirmed in human clinical studies of both normal and overdose levels (which is 3 times the normal dose). 

    Human clinical studies have also confirmed it to increase quality of life by reducing fatigue, improving the quality of sleep, sensitivity to cold, hair loss, and stiff shoulders. Its long-term benefits are highly experiential.

    Q4: Name a case that left a deep impression on you.

    67-year-old woman with scirrhous gastric cancer

    In the spring of 2001, a woman was diagnosed with scirrhous gastric cancer and underwent a total gastrectomy. The pathological examination showed that the cancer was stage III and had metastasized to her peritoneal lymph nodes. The prognosis was not good, and her family was called in by the doctor and told that the survival rate after one year was 10%. 

    To increase her chances, the doctor explored the possibility of integrative medicine and started treating the woman with Agaricus KA21. She underwent chemotherapy, but the side effects were minor. She continued taking Agaricus for the next five years with no recurrence. 

    More than 10 years have passed since her initial diagnosis, and no recurrence has been observed.

    Q5. What assurance can you give to those who want to use Agaricus KA21 in the future?

    Agaricus has a long history as an edible mushroom, and Agaricus KA21 has been tested for safety and efficacy in human clinical studies for alleviating the side effects of anti-cancer drugs. It is safe to take even in high doses and for prolonged use.